Friday, July 29, 2011

This is a blog post

Due to an exceptionally bad hair month I've been unable to post on this blog. Please accept this as an apology:



  1. Jasmine, I just caught up on your blog. Jethro is HUGE and looking so much older. He's darling. And I LOVE your Mitt story. So funny. It seems like you guys have transitioned quite well to CA. Hope it continues to go well.

  2. I want to be able to find things as awesome as this when I grow up...

  3. Lara, your forgiveness means so much. Also, I meant to tell you that your aquarium wall behind the bathtub idea is pretty much the b****ingest thing I've ever heard of.

    And Angie, it takes a great deal of maturity and talent, but maybe someday with enough hard work and a little luck, you, too, can locate and distribute totally stupid youtube videos.

  4. Does this mean that your hair once again is looking like He-man's?

  5. hi -- i just moved to dresden and i stumbled across your old dresden blog while playing around on google. if you get a chance, would you like to send me an email? i'd love to have some recommendations. if so, you can contact me right here:

    thank you so much!
